
August 26, 2014

Win with Sheinside II

Hello everyone!!!
Not long ago I was telling you about the affiliate program of Sheinside
I am writing again on this subject as they have new, and much more exciting offers for new members and I think this is something worth sharing with my readers ;-)
Ok, so let me start by telling you how I have chosen to become a sheinside affiliate. I first found out their daily facebook giveaways where I have won several times credit for buying clothes that I like from their site shipped directly to my door. Than, being a blogger I tried to see if I could promote their site and win also something in exchange. This is how I have found out about the affiliate program that fits just perfect to my blogger and Facebook user profile. First of all the program allows me to get a small percentage by inviting my friends into the program but also by writing a short article every 2 weeks presenting the affiliate promos I can make between 30-50$ for 2 simple articles per month. Not considering the traffic that I bring to my blog with very little effort. This, for me as a fashion blogger is as important as the financial returns of the affiliate opportunity.

So how can you win? You can win the same way as I do. By joining the program and sharing the promo banner and some products, usually 2 blog posts per month or if more often, the better, as every campaign is paid. For starters here is the link for register: or you can use my affiliate link

The first time you register you can make a short blogpost with the promo banner  (from here + link+photo of 3 products of your choice from their site. Once your article is ready you can submit it (in the submission part ) to the 5$ link and wait for the approval . Later on you can share the same way and request the 15$ sharing promos.

It is as simple as that!! And I already been paid , nice thing!

 Sheinside - Your Online Fashion Wardrobe