
February 20, 2018

Buying online at shein

SHEIN -Your Online Fashion Sweaters

Salut tout le monde,
De plus en plus de choix en ce qui concerne notre choix de vĂȘtements🙋, et ça fait plaisir! Voila d'ou j'ai eu l’idĂ©e de commencer par chercher ce que les magasins offrent de particulier pour attirer leur acheteurs. Tout en prĂ©sentant le site, je vais aussi, bien-sur vous montrer quelques photos, vous donner des liens, comme ça vous avez un article vous prĂ©sentant pas seulement le site mais un peu aussi le choix de style du magasin. - ceci sera plutĂŽt votre choix.

une petite idée de look d'hivers tardive de chez!
Comme vous le savez dĂ©jĂ  j’achĂšte trĂšs souvent chez eux, j'aime bien la coupe, le pris, le choix et le bonus offert par le site :) Voici quelques produits que j'ai acheter pour moi ou pour ma famille. On aime SheIn, c'est rapide, de confiance et avec les rĂ©ductions offertes, le pris descend trĂšs bas.

D'habitude pendant les fĂȘtes d'hivers le site offre les frais de ports gratuits sans minimum d'achat et ceci cumulable avec des codes de rĂ©ductions ou avec les points bonus du site. En plus, il faut toujours vĂ©rifier les soldes, hein!

Ensuite je vais sur les article en 'exclusivitĂ© SheIn' qui sont aussi offerts a des bons pris mais ce que j'aime bien c'est d'aller faire un tour dans: 'le choix est limitĂ©' car c'est ici les produits qui sont vendu en quantitĂ© limitĂ©, ce qui veut dire: plutĂŽt pour tester le marchĂ©. Donc cool d'avoir son produit avant les autres ⥺😀💕

Bon, voila, le site, vous pouvez crĂ©er un compte et  plus vous ĂȘtes actives sur le site plus vous avez du bonus! Je vous souhaite des bons achats et a la prochaine!

Hello ,

There are excelent products out there on the market. Not long ago I have talked to you about Shein and now, recently I saw that there a re plenty of new, interesting items, excellent for Christmas. Not only clothing but also advent calenders, accessories, make-up ... things to fill up your stocking with :)

I have actually become a regular costumer, I think, at Shein, one reason is because they have many choices and the second reason is because of the bonus program.

So, I usually visit the site very often because they also have free shipping, with no minimum that makes it more interesting to look for nice things, than I make a list of the products .... there are often great things in the sale part of the site or on the main page there is the banner with the promos. Today I have chosen this great oufit as perfect for winter ....
Than also I check the pre-order part of the site because there are the new products with low prices and great deals and the flash-sales
Nevertheless, every thime I get my order I post pictures with the products so that by the time I pass a new order I always have bonus points. So, I try to find good deals. Everyone needs new things.
I usually pay by paypal and with bonus points, trying to get the free shipping and than I am anxious to get the items by post.

Also, sometimes I might have liked something that is not in stock when I place my order, than I check here and maybe I still find it here, back in stock after some time:
After about 2 weeeks, as I live in Eastern Europe I get them and since now, I never had problems. I have even been reimboursed once because of delivery problems but usually there are no problems. Please take a look at my photo gallery, it is also nice that they publish pictures from their clients.
Have a nice day and happy shopping!

SHEIN -Your Online Fashion Dresses